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Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 12:30 am
by Steve07
Does any one remember a ride called Star Dancer???
Does any one know whats happening with it these days??

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 5:24 pm
last time I saw it was Moomba 2007 maybe...

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Wed Aug 17, 2011 6:00 pm
by Zamperla
Good question Steve - 2007 was about the last time I saw it anywhere too.

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 12:46 am
by Steve07
okay, thanks.. ive only seen that ride at my show probably the same year you's said, i remember seeing when i was young one year a big tall black pole with the Aussie flag on top of it and had a few carrages on it, and i think the pole was all light bulbs on it, now these days i have no idea where it is, i would love to ride it, do you's think its up for sale or do you's still think its traveling??

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 8:15 am
by tooheyzz
March 2010 it was at the Gladstone Harbour Festival

Re: Gladstone Harbour Festival
Postby Josh in Rocky ยป Tue Mar 30, 2010 12:29 am
Oh well, got bored today and went to Galddy for a looksie..
Very similar to last year, still a great little festival...
Mcgregors Dodgem Track, No top (signage) lights working, looking second hand, with little fencing around the track too. New Canvas top though.:)
CTLS assortment of kids rides, Operators did a great job. everyone we saw was talking to the kids and having a good time. Accept for the chicky doing the bumper boats, she was chatting with her back turned while my girls were trying to get out of the boats as they couldn't work out how to drive them. Oh well, Bumper Boats fail, teacups and everything else, big thumbs up...
March's Hurricane, Looked quiet again for the old girl. Starting to look a bit overworked and underpaid.. hehe
Trindalls Cyber Party, Looking and running great, good interaction too..
Dales Flash Dance, Still looking great, love watching this ride. Fair few lights out, but still very clean
Cheyne and Sons Merry go round, Fun Factory,
Star Dancer (Centrepoint 2000) Heaps of lights out. Still ran well though. Great family ride.
Trindalls Super Trooper, Looked pretty good overall. not bad..
Ultimate Party Machine, Looking top shelf again, great interaction as usual, very busy all night as a result
L & M Allen's Scrambler, Disgraceful... sad hey, the less said the better
Mean Mother Zipper, looking and running great. Nice...
Kamikazi, Not sure who's it is, all new lights in centre piece and top sign looked the part, paint faded etc, but obviously getting work done. Rode fast and smooth
Temple of Doom Ghost Train, Similar story to scrambler unfortunately, No top sign lights working,
March's jumbo Slide, looked nice and tidy for a fibreglass slide.
Various other kids rides, joints around etc. Well laid out festival, which is why we enjoyed it i guess. Just a shame alot of the equipment wasn't up to par.
I understand that times are tough, and we are working harder for less, but geez, come on, a little effort would be a good start.
I honestly think a ride is only as good as its staff, and as usual, quiet rides were the ones with boys slumped over the trailer, or sitting in a car smoking listening
to their ipods, whistling to girls walking past, and one bloke loading a carriage, then heading back to his female admirer beside the ride for some kisses and cuddles, (Serious) and whatever else... That image that is portrayed to the general public continues to put the industry on the back foot. (In my opinion ofcourse)
Me blabering about it doesn't help either... anyhoo...

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 3:26 pm
by Steve07
okay so that was only last year, thats pretty recent, but i just wonder where it is now???

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:29 pm
by Steve07
Still wonder where the Star Dancer is these days, i dont think it will make an return because of other major family and thrill rides that go to the shows these days... i been trying to find some pics of it but i see not many people take pics of that ride, its like its a very rare ride, its only been to our show once and i dont think it will ever make another return to our show...

does anyone know who owns the Star Dancer??

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:48 pm
by Zamperla
Here's 2 photos I took of it at EKKA in 2003



Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Fri Sep 02, 2011 8:29 pm
by benclare
Yes I remember this ride. It debuted at the 1997 Royal Easter Show, the last to be held at Moore Park along with Chaos and Scorpion. I think it only did one or two additional Sydney Shows and I haven't seen it for years; not surprising with the huge increase in Ferris Wheels going around the country. I remember being fairly impressed with it at the time.

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 12:37 am
was fair annoying when worksafe made them put the cages on the cars.... looked shithouse at moomba

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Sun Sep 04, 2011 3:57 pm
by benclare
I only remember the gondolas were fairly open which is what I like. The enclosed cages like on Skyview are very comfortable but the ride lacks atmosphere.

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 5:00 pm
by Steve07
Thanks for the photos Zamperla... all i remember of this ride was a black pole and lights on it and a aussie flag on it, i actually didnt ride it because i was young when it showed up at Gympie a few years ago, i think it was 2002 or 2004 or between that i think... but yeah cant remember it much..
i do remember there was no cages on it so i guess what was before they put them on...

does anyone know when the ride will appear again at a show next year????

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Wed Sep 07, 2011 10:58 pm
by Hurricane
Last I recall seeing it was in 2003 at the Royal Canberra Show. It was the first ride I went on after a severe back injury that had me in a wheelchair for 2 years... Once again that was before it had the cages on it, it was the last time I saw Turbo as well.

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Thu Sep 08, 2011 12:52 pm
by benclare
A good choice of ride to get you back into the scene after what sounds like a horrible injury.

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 9:33 am
by Hardrock
I remember stardancer, only saw it once at Newcastle foreshore years ago. Might of been at Matarah Festival.
No cages on it. Thats last and only time I saw it.

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 12:35 am
by Steve07
Thanks for the posts guys.... its nice to hear that Star Dancer will be remembered, when i heard they put cages on it, i didnt like them doing it because it probably wasnt a good idea, maybe thats why no one likes it anymore and why we dont see it at any of the shows, i just hope oneday it will make a return to regional shows....

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 11:39 am
by sam
Got to love Work Safe and their seamless ability to ruin rides both functionally and cosmetically - sometimes their fiddling with a ride's design actually makes them less safe!

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Sun Sep 11, 2011 7:17 pm
Worksafe > Huss Rainbow > Seatbelts ..... blah

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 3:59 am
by dell2006
You just have to remember - Worksafe have a valuable role - to ensure people are safe on rides.

But they always seem to get distracted by making up new rules that make no sense, and creating new bearaucracies that make more government jobs. Ah well, it's just the taxpayer footing the bill.

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 8:02 pm
by benclare
Yes I remember being really shocked when I saw the seatbelts on Rainbow. I think this happened in 2003 or 4?

I don't really have anything against worksafe or any other safety overseer. I like to know the rides I'm going on are safe and certified to run and I am sure showmen are appreciative of the tick of approval from these people when it comes.

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Mon Sep 12, 2011 11:42 pm
by PNC
my brother seen the star dancer ride travelling down the highway today, probably on the southside of brisbane somewhere

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 2:41 am
by Hurricane
Probably would have been at either Beenleigh Show or the Redfest (strawberry festival, seriously it changes name every year!) on the weekend.

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 1:28 pm
by Steve07
oh really thats nice to hear PNC... if thats true that means Star Dancer is still traveling... :)
but it must do only selected shows...

Re: Where Is "Star Dancer" ride??

Posted: Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:37 am
by Hardrock
Heres a picture of Star Dancer of showmans guild website. ... ge270.html