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Re: Let's do something to bring back Rainbow

Posted: Tue Feb 15, 2011 11:49 pm
by ozshowkid
Sorry if I offend any one but this is complete bulls***, does anyone on here think OCS don't know that the rainbow is a fantastic ride.
The upgrade is a very expensive process plus take into account maintenance, insurance, transport, staff and other odds and ends. Moving big rides is not easy or cheap, so if they take there time to fix the ride up I say they have earnt the right to do what they want.
I mean they only own the ride, they would be as upset as everyone on here that it is not out there earning$$$$. Honestly whinging and moaning ain't going to bring it out any faster, it's only going to piss people off. OCS run a very large amusement ride company, so they also have there other rides to maintain aswell. I don't think the ride is dead it will come back, just not yet. Some of you will not agree with what i have wrote but some of you know me and you people will understand where I'm coming from.

Cheers OZshowkid

Re: Let's do something to bring back Rainbow

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 6:31 am
by princess
This must have really got up your nose to draw you out of hibernation. Its lack of knowledge, no one has heard anything regarding this ride, since it disappeared a couple of years back, which is creating frustration, also rumours etc, and it is totally OCS's business, they dont have to do jack sh**, it would be interesting to actually hear what is happening with it, other rides disappear from capitals, but you usually still see them around, example being Hurricane, my personal favourite, only time will tell with Rainbow what happens with it.

Re: Let's do something to bring back Rainbow

Posted: Wed Feb 16, 2011 7:32 pm
by Top Gunner14
RexDragon wrote:Well, at least we could see that it's not the fault of another ride for the absence of another, but more the fault of the amusement ride owners who don't seem to care about amusements and thrills anymore that caused the problem. If only those fat cats know what the hardcore riders are missing.
Yeh well in reality look at how many enthusiasts there are compared to the general public... owners aren't going to keep a ride out just cause a few people like us want to see a ride there. That's one thing I was also thinking that the arm for the Rainbow could be on a waiting list as mentioned before there is a long waiting list for parts. But again I still do have my views on O'Neill's too...

Re: Let's do something to bring back Rainbow

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:54 pm
by RexDragon
I can hardly tell what is the actual truth. I mean, I'm hearing different stories from other people and members that OCS hasn't fully completed their touchups on Rainbow, or that they've decided to do away with it after that incident in Sweden, or that they're not going to have it running on showgrounds anymore, and stuff along those lines. I really hate all these uncertainties...

Whatever is the real truth, I hope it is that they will finish their touchups on Rainbow so that it could be ready to hit the showgrounds again. I guess that because it's been absent for so long and that the Ali Baba took its place really stemmed my hatred towards it, but I know that the RES provide different rides year, so it should be a matter of time until we the Rainbow at the RES again.

Re: Let's do something to bring back Rainbow

Posted: Thu Feb 17, 2011 1:58 pm
by princess
RexDragon wrote:I really hate all these uncertainties...
Ahhhh, Life, think that should tell you that no one knows anything.

Re: Let's do something to bring back Rainbow

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:20 pm
by tziolasamusements
i have spoken to my friend garry and dylan o'neills at moomba while i setting up the lukes sky walker they say they have fixed the rainbow with new centre bearings and drive shaft ete etc ready to back on road but won't be at sydney easter show they don't have time to set up with loading 3 trailers and other of their rides too but they are saying will bring back next year 2012 at sydney easter show or early 2011 on christmas carnival at their hoilday space who knows? i will update later in before christmas while i am working with them as driver truck.

Re: Let's do something to bring back Rainbow

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:21 pm
by tziolasamusements
also they won't to do scrapped the rainbow! because it is their favourite ride as well so don't worry the australia will keep rainbow ALIVE! :D

Re: Let's do something to bring back Rainbow

Posted: Tue Mar 08, 2011 10:24 pm
by RexDragon
Really? That's great! When it's ready, please ask them to have it appear as a holiday ride at LPS!

Re: Let's do something to bring back Rainbow

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:14 am
by Hurricane
Doubt it will be going to LPS any time soon. They seem to be rather happy with Joyland's providing the attractions for now. I spoke to Dylan several years back at EKKA and he's a great guy, and this is very good news about the Rainbow. It was just a matter of time before the work was done to it.

Re: Let's do something to bring back Rainbow

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 5:30 am
by princess
Let me remind you of Turbo everyone, take as a grain of salt until you see it with your own eyes, thanks Deaf for asking.

Re: Let's do something to bring back Rainbow

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:31 am
by RexDragon
I live close to Campbelltown, so I would like to see the Rainbow make an appearance at this year's Fisher's Ghost.

Re: Let's do something to bring back Rainbow

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 11:54 am
by Top Gunner14
Turbo has been off the road for 8 years now but I've seen photos of the ride in it's current state and looks as though it would nearly be a finished project. But great to hear Deafshow. And Rexdragon that's if O'Neill's get the contract for Fisher's Ghost again...

Re: Let's do something to bring back Rainbow

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 12:06 pm
by RexDragon
Well, it won't be hard for them. After all, they did put in the Double-Armed Ranger and Fear coaster on last year, so...

Re: Let's do something to bring back Rainbow

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 1:12 pm
by Hurricane
Fisher's Ghost is an O'neils ran carnival most years, and has been ran by other companies for a few years on and off. However they only took joints, wave swinger and the ranger even when the Rainbow was on the road. Really I think even if O'neils get the ride running it will mostly only do RES.

I am with Top Gunner about Turbo too, I have also seen photos of the ride and it's looking nearly complete.

Re: Let's do something to bring back Rainbow

Posted: Wed Mar 09, 2011 3:16 pm
hopefully this is an end to our worries about the ride dissapearing.... glad to hear theyve taken the time to do something about its situation.
Would be good if another operator would get in on the action, and maybe travel it in Melbourne, like Wittingslow and OCS did it 2002 before Wittingslow sold it to OCS