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2008 Royal Easter Show reviews

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 2:26 pm
by benclare
Thought I'd start a new thread as there are sure to be heaps of reviews in the next two weeks. :D

May I start by thanking Princess, Zamperla, Huss and Ozshowkid for one of the best days I've ever had! It was a pleasure meeting up with you guys after all this time and you were all even cooler than I had thought before which by the way was extremely cool. :lol: My day was cut short somewhat by me having to work which is where I am so my review will be quick, partly because I'll have more to add after my next trip which will be this Saturday but also because others will want to add to what I've said.

Well, our first ride of the day was Breakdance and what a fast one it was! Zamperla, Princess and I all rode it together and we all felt a bit sick after we got off because it went just that little bit too long.

We then headed for the Skymaster Wheel. I never get sick of this ride and have said before it offers much more to someone like me than the Skyview Wheel.

Zamperla then had a quick go on the Mega Drop, his first and thought it was pretty cool I think. I reckon it's faster than DW's Giant Drop but I know heaps of people would disagree with me and perhaps they're right. :lol:

Then it was the Techno Jump. I hadn't tried this one before so I was keen to see what it was like. I loved it! The varied movements kept things interesting and it did have some really thrilling moments for me which was good.

Zamperla then tried the Sky Walker. I deliberately sat this one out because I had to work this arvo and was still feeling a bit sick after Breakdance. I let Zamperla tell you what he thought but one thing we noticed was that the ride cycle was very short. Ozshowkid told us later there are three different cycles that vary in length and intensity.

Princess and Zamperla then rode Rainbow; I again sat this one out but really I shouldn't've, I was just too thirsty at the time! Anyway, it was at this point we met up with Huss for a quick chat which was good.

My final ride for the day was March's Waveswinger. It was running well but not all the chairs were being loaded which did slow the queue considerably.

After a good chat with Ozshowkid, I had to leve which was disapointing but I can say it was a great day and I can't wait to return!

The only bad thing was the extreme heat; there should definitely be more shade and seating in the main carnival area. It's quite uncomfortable walking around there in the middle of the day!

So there you have it, my first review for RES 2008. I plan to do many more rides on Saturday and am keen to meet up with any AAF members who may be around. Zamperla took a heap of pics during the meet and I'm sure he will post them when he can.

One more thing. I hope there are heaps of showies reading this because I want to thank you all for being so polite, helpful and cool! You were all very helpful and I thank you for that heaps and heaps.

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 3:21 pm
by Top Gunner14
Good review ben. I cant wait to go!!! And ill do all my pics and review too!

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2008 10:10 pm
by princess
Thanks to you too Ben, Zampera and I had a great day as well, it actually only ended for me about 1 hour ago, Zamperla and I left, me with 1 broken shoe, Zamperla with blisters, if he wasnt in so much pain, it would of been funny.

I will do a review tomorrow, but just before I sign off for tonight, what a dud is Halloween, I walked past this ride 3 times twice it was broken down, with the poor staff pushing and pulling to get their cars moving, I wont be surprised to see Haunted Mansion back if not very shortly, like in the next couple of days, definitely next year, I do have pictures of this "little" problem, but it may take a few days to upload from my phone.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 2:16 am
by Hurricane
Just how did you break your shoe Princess? Stumbling after getting off Hard Rock ;) Anyway great reviews guys! I wish I was there :( The last carnival I went to was EKKA!

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 3:54 am
Halloween was a joke, waste of 7 tickets, for nothing special. It looks rather cheap aswell.....

also can someone explain what is going on with rainbow, its capable of going both ways, but they are running it only one way each cycle.... mess!!

its looking not bad though.... in need of a MAJOR overhall.... will be back later today.


Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 5:42 am
by Top Gunner14
Yeh Haunted Mansion is on Stand by. I was talking to the Osbourne workers at Castle Hill and they werent even sure if it would mak it to sydney. But a very bad start, poor Goldenway and that cost alot to buy too. Should have stuck with scorpian. And poor u princess with a brocken shoe and poor dave with his blisters! Thats also strange hearing rainbow only going 1 way. Has anything changed on it since last year? And i like the blue better than the white on it

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 10:12 am
by princess
Arrived at about 11, we only had 3 hours to fit in as much riding as we could, we all got wristbands, (30 bucks, unlimited rides until 2.oo), as Ben said our first ride was Breakdance, some very intense turns, we got about a 7 minute ride, unfortunately about 2 minutes to long for me, I was fine until I got off, phew dizzy.

Then headed to skymaster for some rest time, nice long ride, what more can I say, other than Hurricane I felt very safe.

Watched Zamperla on his first ride on Mega Drop, this ride I think is under estimated, Zamperla seemed impressed with the drop, though we all thought that maybe this ride would be more value for money if it maybe went up twice, rather than once, the reason I say this, is that it never seems to run at full capacity, unless it is wristband time, it might intice more riders, anyway just my thoughts, someone tell me if there is a reason that it cannot be done.

Skywalker, was our next stop, to watch Zamperla again, this gave a very short ride cycle and looked very uncomfortable to ride, but it went up as high as rainbow, turning and twisting slowly, then increased speed, as far as presentation was concerned it was great to watch the lights, as I have said before.

Techno Jump, gave us a really fun ride, just love the way it dances, this time Ben was on the outside, I was in the middle, thanks for cusioning Ben, I came off bruisless lol :lol:, not sure how Ben faired though, I think I will have to do this ride everytime I go, it was fun fun fun.

We found a nice shady spot for Ben then Zamperla and I headed over to Rainbow, as Huss has said this only went one way, but it was at full capacity, so it felt more intense IMO, I dont like sitting with anyone next to me, I was worried about landing in the persons lap beside me, lol, but again really enjoyed the experience, well as far as I am concerned this ride does definitely need some care, it is, IMO starting to look tired, while I am on that subject, so did Chaos now that we have so many more new rides there with excellent lighting, if you dont follow the trend, rides look much darker and dont present quite as well, regardless of the ride experience.

With the wristbands this increased the time spent in queues, waiting time took up much more time, but still good value for money, it was interesting to see after 2.00pm there were no more queues, people just seemed to melt out of the area, very weird.

I heard that how loud the music is, is a problem at RES, come on this is a carnival, the music is supposed to be loud, Skywalker was pumping out their music, this may have been a tad loud and I was over hearing the superman theme again and again, but I love how the music sounds, maybe some of the RAS organisers should get out more, when you work in the event and hospitality industry, this is what is expected, music adds to the experience and atmosphere.

Roller Ghoster must get a special mention, the monsters they had hanging outside of their ride were fantastic and their attention to detail, was great too, on the outside of the ride they have it fenced off with a graveyard all around it looked very good, the mounds of dirt and grave stones looked very authentic, nice guys.

As mentioned Halloween was not good at all, the only scary thing about this ride is actually making it out in one piece, the rocking and pushing to get this ride back onto their tracks, did not look extreamly safe on the top level at all, the staff deserved a medal for how hard they were trying to get this ride moving, after a hot day they were probably close to exhaustion.

It was an extreamly hot day, it must have been well over 35 in the carnival area, I also noticed and took advantage of the extra seating that was placed in front of the lockers near the carnival area, all we needed was a beach, could you organise that for next year please lol :lol:

Before I finish, I have to thank the staff again, on the rides we went on their attention and care to Ben was amazing, this was above and beyond, what I had expected, but Ben has always said that he gets very special care, well now I have seen it. Owners of these rides should thank their staff for this extra service, as it shone, staff are usually the last ones to get thanks, their care makes you look good too.

Posted: Fri Mar 21, 2008 6:12 pm
by Top Gunner14
Great review princess. A vey detailed one too. thankyou! It would be hot in the carnival area. Especially with the asphault evrywhere too. Good to hear u had a great day to

Top Gunner14

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2008 8:09 pm
by CrazyCoaster424
Great reviews! Good to hear that you loved the Techno Jump benclare. Can't wait to see some pics!

Crazy Coaster

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2008 9:58 pm
by Zamperla
I was at the grounds for the first two days and was impressed as always with the Royal Easter Show. It certainly leaves Melbourne and EKKA for dust. (next time I will remember to wear my more comfortable shoes)

Skywalker looks sharp and impressive with its LED globes and a typically KMG backdrop - bright vivid artwork complete with customised lighting. The restraints are certainly innovative from KMG and are all about minimisation (weight, structure). I may have lucked out on the ride cycle - it was short and and straight into some serious flipping action. (probably a good thing it was short) - the movements are mechanical with natural forces playing no part (eg. compared to Spaceroller)

Once again I would like to echo Princess's comments regarding the ride crews - their attitude, presentation etc. was top notch and in my opinion you would NOT get better service at a theme park than what they happily provided.

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 2:04 am
I loved the artwork on Skywalker, KMG do awesome work! and the lighting was insane! if only Rainbow was re-equiped with LED lighting it would look fantastic....

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2008 8:52 am
by ozshowkid
I do my best at opperating Space Roller at the end of the day if i'm not having fun either are the people riding it. Yeah get those cds going Huss as said before bring it in we'll give it a go. Most of the rides in here look top notch it is one of the best shows in Australia. A big credit must go to all the opperaters as it is a very hard to keep every thing looking as good as it is particular mention to the two ghost trains (i know my self how hard it is to keep these looking good) and the space roller of course its the all new party ride, and we're gonna party hardy on this one.

Cheers OZShowkid

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:12 am
by Top Gunner14
OzShow, u gave me one of the best rides on SR the other night. Ur a great op. I love the ride, its a real atmosphere creater. Cant wait to see the new signs. Nice meetin u too

Top Gunner14

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:14 am
by Top Gunner14
I also do my review later in the week. Its gonna be big with lots of pics of all the rides

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 2:42 pm
by benclare
I'm hanging out for your review Topgunner!

I'll be at the RES for the last time this Saturday if anyone wants to meet up.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 3:20 pm
by CrazyCoaster424
I'm EXTREMLY hangin out for your Fantastic Review Top Gunner! Wish I could go.

Crazy Coaster

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:30 pm
by Zamperla
Here's 2 for starters...


I did take a LOT of photos but I am interested to see others, so I will leave it at this.

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:49 pm
by CrazyCoaster424
Thanks so much Zamperla!!!! I would love to see ya other pics too! Sky Walker looks so good! But shame that some of you guys r sayin that its not that good.

Crazy Coaster

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 5:53 pm
by princess
Lol you tease Zamperla, come on :lol:


Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 6:22 pm
by kiwi
Whats the temperature like at the moment in Sydney?, I'm looking very hard at making a day trip to the show

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2008 7:31 pm
by princess
Kiwi, the temperature is going to be 26 tomorrow, then it will be cool, until the weekend, not sure after that. when I say cool, i mean about 22, during the day.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 1:54 pm
by benclare
Kiwi, the weather is beautiful at the moment and the updated forecast says it's going to be a bit cooler but mainly fine until the end of the Show next Wednesday. Cooler weather is good news for us carnival fans as the hot sun is especially bad in that area where there's no shade and almost nowhere to sit down and take in the fantastic atmosphere.

If you can make the RES on Saturday, let me know and we could meet up for a ride or two.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:32 pm
by princess
Ben just on the seating subject, if you read my earlier post, there is seating over near the lockers, where we put our bags, it is also in the shade, it was very pleasent sitting there.

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:39 pm
by benclare
Yeah sorry about that; I accidentally overlooked it but will remember for next time I'm at the Show. :oops:

Topgunner, I'm still waiting for your review; make that tonight's homework okay? :lol: Has anyone taken any audio grabs of the rides at the Show? I took a look at You Tube yesterday and there's a good Sky Walker video from this year but unfortunately they've dubbed music over it so you can't hear the ride in motion. :(

Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2008 3:41 pm
by princess
Thats something that people would not think about so much, Ben, but what a great idea.