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Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2003 4:37 pm
whats your favourite ride?

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 1:54 am
by Zamperla
Actually, my favourite ride is the Chance Turbo, for those of you who don't know.

Ps. Does anyone know what HUSSRainbow's favourite ride is? F#*ked if I know?

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2003 5:53 pm
yeah dave i forget what's my fav aswell i think its

<image removed - AAF Admin>


Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 12:27 am
by Zamperla
WOW... love what you did with the Rainbow writing... it's such a pitty it's not written like this on the backdrop. Maybe we'll have to give it a re-spray when we own it, Chris?


Posted: Wed Mar 26, 2003 3:00 pm
yes we might have to, and we can light it as well, lol, ive started saving already, and we have to remeber to contact huss for a new ray lighting package!, and boom lights!, in rainbow colours

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 1:04 pm
maybe it would be good if there was actually some good rides in the poll

Posted: Sun Oct 12, 2003 5:53 pm
by Zamperla
TOTCYB... what other rides do you suggest? Nah give credit where credit is due... the Rainbow is a superb attraction, especially 'back in the day' - it set a magnificent precident for what top quality, 3 trailer German rides can do. Definately raised the bar. It IS a pitty it has been somewhat neglected in recent years though :(

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 5:43 pm
by Shaun
Well I have a soft spot for the claw because it's my favorite carnivale that we've got and that I have ridden but the other ride that jumps to mind is the TopScan and I also think that the Tango looks quite intresting aswell.

I'm more less of a favorite 'ride' type person and more of a favorite 'type of ride' person

I love rides that go upside and offer sureal sensations but ones that are not out of control, spinning, spewing machines. I don't like fast spinning high G' pulling rides.

So the sorta rides I like are the Wipeout and the Claw and i also don't mind kamakazie type rides but some of my most hated rides include matterhorns, Scorpions, gravertrons, ferris wheels and merri-go-rounds. :(


Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 3:39 pm
if the rainbow is so good name 10 good reasons why it is sooooooooooooooooo good

Posted: Thu Oct 16, 2003 9:33 pm
OK :D, thats easy,

1. The size is amazing
2. watching it is soo impressive
3. riding it is even better
4. the lighting on it is totally awesome
5. after 14 years, its still popular
6. it looks great
7. the sound is wicked
8. the face is cool
9. gotta love those angels lol
10. It's a Huss ride



Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 3:27 pm
1. the size is crap
2. watching it is so boring
3. riding it is even more boring
4.the lighting is crap
5. 14 years later it is still as crap as when it came out
6. it looks as ugly as your mum
7. its sounds gay
8. the face is more ugly than yours gotta hate those angels
10. its a huss ride so tear it down

Posted: Fri Oct 17, 2003 6:15 pm
hehe, good imagination

Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2003 5:47 pm
by benclare
I think I talked about this topic on a different thread, but it’s worth revisiting as my favourite ride list changes after a visit to a carnival or theme park.

Firstly, I have to agree that the Rainbow is truly an ausome ride, and in my opinion, a trip to the Easter Show isn’t complete without at least one ride on it. This year, I had two goes, one for you Husrainbow! I never get sick of it.

Unlike so many ride enthusiasts, I don’t necessarily go for the fastest, most nauseating thing at the show or theme park. I always try everything once, and then stick with the rides I like and give those I don’t a miss. That’s not to say I don’t like thrill rides! In 98 and 99, I attended a Space Camp in the United States, where I was fortunate enough to ride simulators that made Wittingslow’s ranger feel like a kiddy ride. I really got an appreciation for the power of gravity at that space facility! Although that did give me a taste of life on the wild side, something I did enjoy, I also like the sort of rides that many people would say are tame. For example, I absolutely love the breakdance and Waveswinger, and although I know I’m on my own here, I thought the new Crazy Coaster was okay. It might have something to do with the fact the cars spun around for almost the entire ride when I was on it, but for a ride, not a coaster, I thought it was okay.

The ride I love to hate is Dream World’s Tower of Terror. It’s the sort of thing I’m very proud of myself for riding after I’ve gotten off it, but wonder what the hell I’m doing when I’m in the queue to ride it. It’s probably lucky the lines have been short every time I’ve been there… I also feel that way about the Giant Drop, Slingshot and Durkin’s Clau.

At the moment, my favourite rides are: Turbo, Rainbow, Breakdance, Galaxy coaster, Enterprise, Scorpion, Ranger, Splash Canyon, Wave Swinger, Pirate, Zipper, Thunderbolt and Super Sizzler.

Posted: Mon Oct 20, 2003 8:24 pm
oh your soo lucky ben, you got to ride the rainbow, at the moment I wouldn't have a clue where it is :(, but im guessing it is in sydney with o'neills, and if it is at the Easter show, IM SO THERE! :d

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 2:47 pm
by Juzzaman
Rainbow is by far the best ride ever created I just wish we got another rainbows ( one for durkin, one for bells and one for WA show west can have this one) they should scrap all ALI BABA rides in the world because it sucks Long Live the rainbow!

Posted: Sun May 23, 2004 3:26 pm
by Nebuchanezzar
Im dissapointed, i reckon that The Claw would have gotten a definate 2 votes so far, one from Me, and one from Shaun, im dissapointed that it wasn't on the list, and this ride would have been up there with the Turbo for favourite (going from the polls now)

and what the hell were you thinking having the Waveswinger up there, sure, its a good ride, but i dont really think it'd be anyones favourite, same with the Pirate.

GO THE CLAW!!!!!!!
and if it was on there, GO THE MOVEIT32!!!!!!!


Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 7:25 pm
by Trav
This is one of the hardest polls ever!

My mind changes every time I visit a show or carnival. So...

let's see hmmmm.. at the moment, I vote for FORCE 10.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 7:54 pm
by Zamperla
Trav when did you last ride Force 10? If it was in the last 12 months I don't spoze you have any photo's do you?

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 8:29 pm
by Trav
Dave, that last ride on Force 10 was Moomba :D around 96/97???... oh, now I'm starting to get all emotional :? (remembering how good Moomba was - this just brings tears to my eyes....oh sorry, back to Force 10,hehe) so yeah Dave, it's been way to long! I just wish I took photos back then.....sorry mate :cry:

Speaking of tears - Riding the Force 10 really does bring tears to my eyes!... another ride which can bring on the tears has to be the amazing Orbitor. They're all good :D

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 9:39 pm
by Zamperla
Trav, you been reading past posts on this ride?

I made precisely the same comment in one of my posts on the Force 10 - the thing literally brought tears to my eyes from the amazing wind rush.

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 10:43 pm
by Hurricane
Deffinantly the Rainbow it is off da hook :D but it was almost the Turbo that ride is also off da hook :D cya

Posted: Mon May 24, 2004 10:47 pm
by Trav
Nah Dave, it was just something which linked in well at the time (I had no idea you had posted this comment before). Sorry - I am a bit slack and tend to just post without searching/thinking sometimes.

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 6:36 pm
by Nebuchanezzar
may I ask what this Force Ten ride does, Ive seen one pic of it, but this pic was poor in quality, so that brings us back to the question, and im awaiting an answer :)

Posted: Tue May 25, 2004 11:25 pm
by Trav
Neb. I'll try my best to describe it for ya ...(deep breath) here goes

Before it starts, each car kind of hangs of its own arm. When the ride begins, you spin 'out' sideways (like the enterprise)..then, once it has picked up some good speed the whole wheel (still flat to the ground), lifts into the sky but stays flat.. so imagine now you are up in the air, 'flying out' on your side spinning very fast. ... after a while (the wheel) tips toward the ground, and you go into a vertical spin (almost, not quite). It does variations between these two actions, and then the ride gets even faster and better...the op. says something over a mic. like "we're about to go upsidedown!" and then tips it again, but this time it is into a vertical looping spin, but now at very high speed. It does a few more spins and eventually lowers to the ground and you feel very 'light headed' from the whole experience. I have never been able to try Force 10 twice in a row. If you don't enjoy fast rides and spinning upsidedown, then you would not like this one at all.

So there is my attempt at describing Forece 10. LOL (how bad was that!)

If anyone else can try to explain this better than I, please post! :D

ps. I don't know any technical terms for ride parts. Can't you tell!

Posted: Wed May 26, 2004 8:51 am
by princess
I have heard that force 10 is no longer travelling, dont know why, sorry if you have already got that info. On the AAD site, you can see some rides that are for sale, also there is a site in the US that sells rides, I found this quite interesting, I will have to find out the address again.